The Combat Sports in

Physical Education Classes




Abel A. Figueiredo


November, 20, 1996


Physical Education Scientific Department

Superior School of Education

Polytechnic Superior Institute of Viseu


Área Científica de Educação Física

Escola Superior de Educação

Instituto Politécnico de Viseu




1. In Physical Education (PE) we consider fundamental to have an eclectic vision of all the contents. In one class we can use tasks from gymnastics, combat sports and basketball for instance, mainly if we are talking in PE with young pupils from primary and middle school.

We consider tasks from “combat sports” every ones that:

·      Are open (the information is changing - like in collective games),

·      Promotes individual responsibilities (like in individual tasks), and

·      Have martial senses (the aim objective is the body of the opponent: touching, grappling, unbalancing, throwing down, immobilizing, join locks or strangulation’s).
















2. In today’s society the violence is invading the home (electronic games, television with “wrestling” spectacles, movies, cartoons like "Dragon Ball Z", etc.) without pedagogical arrangement. The school must compete with this type of appellative tasks.

The combat sports tasks with proper pedagogical orientation promote an introduction to that type of “virtual” world into real activities, creating environments that appeal to a martial content with an ethic approach. That's why the control in every martial movement is very important: I can touch with control in my partner and he can touch me in the open areas. This is a magic situation that stimulates the self-control in a limit task - a task with a martial sense. The confidence in the other partner is very important to let him touch me.


3. The structure of combat sports (martial arts) tasks have 3 important dimensions:

·        Maai (distance);

·        Hyoshi (rhythm) and

·        Yomi (perception).



It is very important to focus the perception dimension in this type of tasks (that have transfer to other kind ones).



In a dual situation the timing and the type of the attacking movement (technical movement) depends of the distance between them, the open areas and the rhythm of the defending moves. It is necessary to read this situation (perception - yomi).


4. There are five main situations to approach combat sports in PE.

Locks and strangulation’s are situations only to use in secondary school. Until there we must use Immobilization’s, Touches and Projections.

This kind of situations promotes pedagogical tasks like:

·        Distance games,

·        Touches games (touch in open areas),

·        Unbalance games,

·        Grappling work,

·        Falls,

·        Immobilization games.



The “locks” and “strangulation” situations must be leafed to older ages. But the other situations must be worked in an eclectic way.

In a diagnostic stadium (the first contact with the children) we must use situations with a long distance or a very short distance, so that the physical contact between the participants could be done in a safe way.

From this approach, will emerge the five main technical situations in unarmed combat:

1. Striking

2. Joint locking/breaking

3. Throwing

4. Strangulation

5. Immobilization or hold-downs

Bibliography in Extension of the subject


CHEMAMA, Gérard; HERBIN, Henri (1994), Enseigner le Karaté-do et les Arts Martiaux - Programme Officiel de la FFKAMA, Paris, Editions C.I.G.


FIADEIRO, José Manuel (1986), "O Processo de Formação nas Artes Marciais", Horizonte, Lisboa, Livros Horizonte, Vol.II, nº 12, Março-Abril, pp. 194-198.


FIGUEIREDO, Abel (1987), "O Significado Actual do Karaté", Revista de Educação Física e Desporto - Horizonte, Lisboa, vol. IV, nº 22, Nov-Dez, Dossier: pp.I-VII.


FIGUEIREDO, Abel (1989), "A Licenciatura nos Desportos de Combate", Bushido - Artes Marciais e Desportos de Combate, Lisboa, nº 10, Outubro, pp.12-13.


FIGUEIREDO, Abel (1990), "Há Desporto e "Desporto"", Bushido - Artes Marciais e Desportos de Combate, Lisboa, nº 14, Fevereiro, pp. 10-11.


FIGUEIREDO, Abel (1991), "De Paradigma em Paradigma", Bushido - Artes Marciais e Desportos de Combate, Lisboa, nº 26, Fevereiro, pp. 6-7.


FIGUEIREDO, Abel (1991), "A Atitude Industrial", Bushido - Artes Marciais e Desportos de Combate, Lisboa, nº 27, Março, pp. 6-7.


FIGUEIREDO, Abel (1991), "A Formação dos Quadros", Bushido - Artes Marciais e Desportos de Combate, Lisboa, nº 28, Abril, pp. 4-5.


FIGUEIREDO, Abel (1991-1992), "O Karaté Infantil", Bushido - Artes Marciais e Desportos de Combate, Lisboa, nºs 35 - 44: Nov. 91- Set. 92.


FIGUEIREDO, Abel (1993), "O Karaté em Portugal - Uma Nova Era? Um Novo Conceito Organizativo?", Bushido - Artes Marciais e Desportos de Combate, Lisboa nºs 48-51/52; 56, Dezembro 1992 - Abril/Maio 1993; Setembro/Outubro.


FIGUEIREDO, Abel (1995), “L’Apparition du Karate-do”, Budo International - Le Magazine International des Arts Martiaux, Paris, nº 11, Juillet/Aout 1995, pp. 14-21. - Em Português: “A Emergência do Karate-do”, Cinturão Negro - Revista Internacional de Artes Marciais, Portugal, nº 25, 1995, pp. 14-21.


FIGUEIREDO, Abel (1995), A Formação de Treinadores em Portugal, Comunicação Apresentada no IV Congresso de Educação Física e Ciências do Desporto dos Países de Língua Portuguesa coincidente com o V Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Educação Física decorrente em Coimbra, Março.


FIGUEIREDO, Abel (1995), Os Desportos de Combate nas Aulas de Educação Física, Departamento de Educação Física da ESE de Viseu, (não publicado).


HABERSETZER, Roland (1987), Karate pour les Jeunes, Paris, Amphora.


MAHLO, Fiedrich (orig: 1969; trad: s/d), O Acto Táctico no Jogo, “Educação Física e Desporto”, Lisboa, Compendium.


PERTHUIS, François-Xavier (1994), Entraînement Karaté - Huit Points Clés, Paris, Chiron.


TOKITSU, Kenji (1979), La Voie du Karate - Pour Une Théorie des Arts Martiaux Japonais, Paris, Editions du Seuil.


TUBINO, Manuel Gomes (1992), "Uma Visão Paradigmática das Perspectivas do Esporte para o início do Século XXI",  in: MOREIRA, Wagner Wey (Org.), Educação Física & Esportes - Perspectivas para o Século XXI, "Corpo Motricidade", Campinas, Papirus, pp. 125-139.



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